How to write an essay? Here is one of the unique technique of essay writting.In this site you will be able to write an good essay more essay writting,essay sample,

Friday, March 28, 2008

How to Write an Essay

How to write an essay
The purpose of an exposition is to present one side of an argument and persuade the reader.

There are three steps to construct an exposition. Here is a scaffold.

1. Introduction.

  • A motivational question or statement can be used to attract the reader's attention. Make sure you clearly state your point of view (thesis).
  • It can be beneficial to present a brief summary of the major issues or ideas you plan to discuss in the text.

2. Body.

  • The purpose of the body is to go into more depth of the issues you mentioned in the Introduction.
  • Always make sure you use a new paragraph for each new idea that is presented and make the first sentence a Topic Sentence, briefly outlining what your argument is before providing evidence. The amount of paragraphs used can vary depending on how many ideas were mentioned in the Introduction.
  • As you are trying to persuade the audience, it is a good idea to use positive language techniques like emotive language to help convince the reader. With every new paragraph always go into as much detail as you can. The more support you provide to your argument, the stronger the whole essay will look.

3. Conclusion.

  • Restate the question.
  • Make a summary of all the arguments you have made, you can use the Introduction for this. You can also re state your thesis that you should have included in the introduction. Finish with a strong sentence concluding your essay.

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1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Title of the essay should be related to topic. Moreover it should be quite interesting to grab the attention of the viewers. Because many just determine the essay on the basis of title. Because of this it is essential to have stronger title.

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